Advanced Dynamic Handgun Training with Armed Mindset

This Course Covers:

This course picks up where the Dynamic Handgun 1 Class ends.  Most of this training course will be shooting simulated scenarios to practice everything we learned in the dynamic handgun 1 class

  1. Shoot-no- shoot scenarios
  2. Shooting on the move
  3. Cover and concealment
  4. Moving, drawing, and working around a vehicle
  5. Weak hand drills
  6. Close quarters shooting

We take all of our skills that we learn in Dynamic Pistol 1 and run through scenarios for the entire class in order to practice what you have learned.


YOU MUST TAKE Dynamic Pistol 1 first. This course uses those skills in self defense scenarios If you have questions about prerequisites please contact me.

Required Gear:

A good quality service pistol is required.

200 Rounds of factory bought ammo (no reloads for insurance reasons).

You also need a good strong side holster and belt.

Eye and ear protection is mandatory.

A ball cap is highly recommended.